Stress is prevalent in virtually all life and work environments. Stress carries a high personal cost as well as a high cost to employers and to society. Workplace, marriage, family relationships, finances, life changes and health related issues are some of the areas in which stress is experienced. Some stress is in the realm that we can control. Other stressors may be externally or medically related.
Some key stress indicators are:
Change of sleep patterns
Observed changes in eating patterns
Sighing / laboured breathing
Boredom with life and / or work
Possible burnout indicators:
Helplessness / hopelessness
Physical, Mental and Emotional Exhaustion
Doubt and Shame
Much of the stress and burnout related difficulties which people face may be reduced or eliminated by understanding the source, the resources that support stress management, and the development of effective strategies which suit your personal situation.
The benefits of healthy stress management include emotional and physical health.
The following list includes some practical strategies:
Review of your diet – eat well
Exercise regularly
Get some sleep
Manage your time
Learn to say NO
Cultivate a sense of humour
Cultivate friendships
Reconcile with adversaries
With appropriate counselling support, you can take the first steps towards healthy stress management.