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Loss and Grief.


Loss can be loss of hope for the future as well as loss in the past. Loss may also include loss of a way of life, person, of a relationship, loss of a partner, of a home, a job, or loss through illness. Loss of hope, of identity, of an expectation or loss of a dream can also be significant.


Grief is an emotion that is purely individual. Feelings of despair or sadness brought on by a sudden death, or by a death after prolonged illness, are similar, but different. For the most part, grief is a reaction to experiencing loss. In our society, the death of a friend or family member is associated with varying degrees of grief. We will discuss the Stages of Grief, and the ability to mourn, and we welcome your comments and experiences. It is often through sharing that we find the most peace in our grief.

Counselling Principles and Processes

During the counselling process, trained and qualified counsellors will assist you in the following areas of the grief process:

We will help you to:

  • Actualise the loss
  • Identify and experience feelings
  • Assist in areas of living beyond the loss
  • Find meaning in the loss
  • Facilitate relocation of the loss
  • Provide  time to grieve
  • Interpret ‘normal’ behaviour
  • Allow for individual differences
  • Examine defences and coping styles

Everyone experiences loss and grief at some time. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be. Let us journey with you as you face your challenging time of grief and loss.

Our Counselling Services

  • Personal & Relationship Counselling
  • Counselling Children & Adolescents
  • Loss & Grief Counselling
  • Pre Marriage Counselling
  • Stress & Burn Out Counselling
  • Life Changes & Transitions
  • Issues relating to Women
  • Issues relating to Men
  • Telephone & Video Counselling
  • Professional Counselling Supervision
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